- Nov. 1, 1958: born in
Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan
- 1981: B.S. from
Department of Information
Faculty of
The University of Tokyo
- 1983: M.E. from Course of Information Engineering, Graduate School of
Engineering ,
The University of Tokyo
(Moto-oka Tanaka Laboratory)
- 1986: D.E. from Course of Information Engineering, Graduate School of
Engineering ,
The University of Tokyo
( Tanaka Laboratory )
- 1986: researcher in
Electrotechnical Laboratory
- 1990: senior researcher in Electrotechnical Laboratory
- 1991 - 1992: visiting scientist in
Computation Structures Group
(CSG) ,
Laboratory for Computer Science
(LCS) ,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) ifully guaranteed by MIT)
- 1993 - 1996: Chief, Massively Parallel Architecture Lab., Real World Computing
- 1996: Associate Professor in
University of Tsukuba
- 1997: Associate Professor in
Faculty of Science ,
The University of Tokyo
- 1998: Associate Professor in
School of Engineering ,
The University of Tokyo
- 2001: Professor in Graduate School of Information Science and Technology ,
The University of Tokyo
- 2003: Chairman, Department of Information and Communication Engineering,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology ,
The University of Tokyo (-2006)
- 2008: Vice Dean, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
- IPSJ SIG Research Award
- ETL Research Award (1990)
- IPSJ Best Paper Award (1991)
- Japan IBM Science Award (1991)
- Moto-oka Memorial Award (1991)
- Ichimura Academic Award (1995)
- ICCD Outstanding Paper Award (1995)
- STA Remarkable Invention (1996)
- SUN Distinguished Speaker Award (1997)
Tanka, Japanese poetry
Department of Electrical Engineering,
The University of Tokyo